Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
MBSR has been the gold standard secular mindfulness program since its development by Jon Kabat-Zinn in the 1970’s at the University of Massachusetts. Participants often experience beneficial outcomes for stress, depression, anxiety, burnout, improved sleep, better concentration, increased compassion, and deeper listening, based on four decades of research.
Mindfulness Foundations
Mindfulness Foundations offers a less intensive live class and home assignment load than a heavier weight course like MBSR. It was developed for those who are exceptionally over-committed, and cannot attend a more robust program.
Course Themes
Week 1 Theme: What Is Mindfulness. Practice: Checking In.
Week 2 Theme: Self-Care. Practice: Home Base.
Week 3 Theme: Perception & Stress. Practice: Body Scan.
Week 4 Theme: Informal Mindfulness. Practice: Mindful Movement.
Week 5 Theme: Communication. Practice: Mindful Listening.
Week 6 Theme: Working with Thinking. Practice: Experiencing Thinking.
Week 7 Theme: Hindrances to Mindfulness. Practice: Open Awareness.
Week 8 Theme: Sustaining Mindfulness. Practice: Compassionate Abiding.

Burnout Prevention & Remediation
There are two distinct versions of this course, each following the same format:
- Burnout Prevention & Remediation: General (BPR:G)
- Burnout Prevention & Remediation: Healthcare (BPR:H)
Each encompasses learning, practice, and shared exploration of burnout, how to deal with the experience of it, build resiliency, and work to change the conditions causing burnout for people struggling with burnout.
Course Themes
Week 1 Theme: What Is Burnout? Practice: Checking In.
Week 2 Theme: Self-Care. Practice: Home Base.
Week 3 Theme: Causes of Burnout. Practice: Body Scan.
Week 4 Theme: Action Planning. Practice: Moving Mindfully.
Week 5 Theme: Communication. Practice: Mindful Listening
Week 6 Theme: Conditioning Safety. Practice: Experiencing Thinking.
Week 7 Theme: Systemic Change. Practice: Open Awareness.
Week 8 Theme: Collaboration. Practice: Compassionate Abiding.
Responding Together: Choosing Our Direction
This six part program is designed for small teams who want to work together more effectively. Unlike other programs, this course is done in Modules which may or may not be weekly.
Course Themes
Module 1 Theme: Mindfulness
Module 2 Theme: Perception & Stress
Module 3 Theme: Self-Care
Module 4 Theme: Nourishing & Depleting Working Session
Module 5 Theme: Conditioning Safety Collaboratively
Module 6 Theme: Communication