Episode 112 :: Lori A. Brotto :: Better Sex Through Mindfulness

Lori A. Brotto

Lori A. Brotto joins us to speak about Better Sex Through Mindfulness: How Women Can Cultivate Desire.

Let’s do a thought experiment together. Imagine that you’re missing your sense of taste, and perhaps smell. Many people do have some challenge with one or more senses, either some reduction or perhaps complete absense of it. What might it be like for you not being able to taste what might be a delicious meal, or smell a lovely scent? Does that change your experience with what others enjoy without restriction? Does not having a sense of taste, in this thought experiment, bring with it other difficulties around how you relate to others, or perhaps your sense of well being, or self image? What if instead of one of your senses, it was something that may be more intimately connected with… your intimate connections, through sexuality? And how might mindfulness help with that connection?

Lori A. Brotto, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, sex researcher, and Canada Research Chair in Women’s Sexual Health. She is a member of various sexuality organizations and an associate editor for Archives of Sexual Behavior. Brotto writes a monthly column called Health Advisor for the Globe and Mail and has been featured in the New York Times, the Walrus, Chatelaine, Dan Savage’s Savage Lovecast, and many other outlets. She lives in Vancouver, BC. Special thanks to Alice Fleerackers for coordinating today’s interview.


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Music for This Episode Courtesy of Rodrigo Rodriguez

The music heard in this podcast is from Rodrigo Rodriguez. You can visit his website to hear more of his music, get the full discography, and view his upcoming tour dates.