Episode 159 :: Catharine Hannay :: Being You: A Girl’s Guide to Mindfulness

Catharine Hannay Catharine Hannay joins us to speak about Being You: A Girl’s Guide to Mindfulness. If you take a look at mindfulness books, there’s a lot available these days. Only a few, however, address the needs and interests of teens, especially young women. Today, we get to spotlight one. Catharine Hannay is the founder…

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Episode 158 :: Irene Kraegel :: The Mindful Christian

Irene Kraegel Irene Kraegel joins us to speak about The Mindful Christian. I often hear concerns from people that mindfulness is in conflict with their religious views. Most of the time there is an opportunity to clear up those misunderstandings, but there remains a strong bias about mindfulness just being stealth Buddhism. Spoiler alert: it’s…

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Episode 155 :: Cheryl B. Engelhardt :: Anxiety, Mindfulness, and Music

Cheryl B. Engelhardt Cheryl B. Engelhardt joins us to speak about Anxiety, Mindfulness, and Music. As most of the listeners to this podcast likely know, mindfulness is not just about our time on the cushion during formal practice. It’s about how we meet the world, the time of our lives, and that includes music. Cheryl…

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Episode 154 :: Willoughby Britton :: Cheetah House and Meditation Safety

Willoughby Britton Willoughby Britton joins us to speak about Cheetah House, and the Meditation Safety Toolbox. While mindfulness programs may be beneficial, even transformative for many people, it’s not the right solution to every problem. Mindfulness can become the hammer with every problem a nail. It’s not new that mindfulness-based interventions may be ill timed,…

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Episode 152 :: Elisha Goldstein :: A Course in Mindful Living

Elisha Goldstein Elisha Goldstein speaks with us about A Course in Mindful Living. One of the most challenging things for those new to mindfulness practice is that even if you’ve found and taken a good course from a competent teacher, that ends, and… then what? Often there is a difficulty with integrating one’s time off…

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Episode 151 :: Hunter Clarke-Fields :: Mindful Mama

Hunter Clarke-Fields Hunter Clarke-Fields joins us to speak about Mindful Mama Mentor. As many of you may know, raising children is more than a full-time job. Kids need attention, education, let alone food, clothing, and perhaps especially love. That’s a pretty tall order, and mindfulness can help parents be at their best. Hunter Clarke-Fields is…

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Episode 150 :: Gunes Sevinc :: Mindfulness and Fear Response

Gunes Sevinc Gunes Sevinc returns to the podcast to speak about the latest research on mindfulness and fear responses. When looking at scientific research, sometimes a question comes up: So What? There’s a measurable resizing or thickening in some part of the brain, but how does that actually show up and maybe change things outside…

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