Episode 149 :: Thorsten Barnhofer, Amit Bernstein, Dave Vago :: The science of mindfulness
Thorsten Barnhofer, Amit Bernstein, and Dave Vago join us to talk about “The science of mindfulness — What do we really know and where do we go?” If you are listening to this podcast and find value and insights from what is shared here, know that this is made available from your generosity and the…
Read MoreEpisode 148 :: Micki Fine :: May All People and Pigs Be Happy
Micki Fine Micki Fine joins us to speak about her new children’s mindfulness book, May All People and Pigs Be Happy. Introducing a concept, let alone a practice, that can be as fraught with nuance as mindfulness to adults can be very challenging. In some ways that introduction can be made more accessible when sharing…
Read MoreEpisode 147 :: Elizabeth A. Stanley, Ph.D. :: Widen the Window: Training Your Brain and Body to Thrive During Stress and Recover from Trauma
Elizabeth A. Stanley Elizabeth A. Stanley joins us to speak about her new book, Widen the Window: Training Your Brain and Body to Thrive During Stress and Recover from Trauma. As mindfulness grows in popularity and availability, there comes a widening of needs that it might meet. With more people trying it also comes the…
Read MoreEpisode 146 :: Bonnie Griffin :: 6 Small Meditation Meals A Day
Bonnie Griffin Bonnie Griffin joins us to speak about 6 Small Meditation Meals A Day. There can be a subtle, or sometimes obvious, tendency to measure contemplative practice by time spent on the cushion. Performance rather than substance is encouraged by accumulated minutes on Insight Timer or other trackers, giving us a visual domamine reward…
Read MoreEpisode 145 :: Carter Lebares :: Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Training in Surgery
Carter Lebares Dr. Carter Lebares joins us to speak about Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Training in Surgery. As secular mindfulness finds more traction in the world, it’s also meeting new perspectives on what practice could be. While traditional forms remain of value to those seeking outcomes that are rooted in a religious context, mindfulness is…
Read MoreEpisode 144 :: Loch Kelly :: The Way of Effortless Mindfulness
Loch Kelly Loch Kelly joins us to speak about The Way of Effortless Mindfulness: A Revolutionary Guide for Living an Awakened Life. Many people coming to mindfulness practice for the first time may find it difficult, maybe even exhausting work. Soon after the reasons not to meditate show up, primarily the excuse of being too…
Read MoreEpisode 143 :: Barbara Burns :: Mindfulness-Based, Trauma-Informed Parent Education in an Underserved Latino Community
Barbara M. Burns Barbara Burns joins us to speak about her research Mindfulness-Based, Trauma-Informed Parent Education in an Underserved Latino Community. Despite current hype to the contrary, secular mindfulness programs are making a very real and measurable difference in the world. Today we explore one such program, Safe, Secure, and Loved (SSL), and how that’s…
Read MoreEpisode 142 :: David Messer :: Online Mindfulness and Cancer Recovery
David Messer David Messer joins us to speak about his research with online mindfulness, and cancer recovery. A question has been brewing in the global mindfulness community for awhile about the efficacy of online programs. Criticism often comes from those with no experience with online learning, and little understanding of the variety of capabilities that…
Read MoreEpisode 141 :: David Forbes :: Mindfulness and Its Discontents
David Forbes David Forbes joins us to speak about Mindfulness and Its Discontents. As we see mindfulness in the news, on social media, in public classrooms and private industry, questions will and should arise. “What are we doing?” is valid to ask, and discussions answering that question will continue for years to come. These critiques…
Read MoreEpisode 140 :: Donald Altman :: Reflect: Awaken to the Wisdom of the Here and Now
Donald Altman Teacher and author Donald Altman joins us to speak about Reflect: Awaken to the Wisdom of the Here and Now. As contemplative practice is started, it may seem that there is a firm boundary between formal practice and the rest of our daily lives. We may only have a handful of meditations with…
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