Episode 129 :: Gunes Sevinc :: MBSR and Relaxation Response Comparison
Gunes Sevinc Gunes Sevinc joins us to speak about the study Common and Dissociable Neural Activity After Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Relaxation Response Programs. If you are listening to this podcast and find value and insights from what is shared here, know that this is made available from your generosity and the generosity of others…
Read MoreEpisode 128 :: Shelley A. Johns, Kathy Beck-Coon, Ann Cottingham :: Mindfulness and Quality of Life in Advanced Cancer
In this two-part episode, we speak first with Shelley Johns and Kathy Beck-Coon, and then co-author Ann Cottingham, about their work on how mindfulness can help those with cancer and their family caregivers. Mindfulness practice has been shown in research to potentially influence the quality of people’s lives. Of course one’s actual experience may vary,…
Read MoreEpisode 127 :: Michael de Vibe :: Six Year Mindfulness Study
Michael de Vibe Michael de Vibe joins us to speak about a six year study of mindfulness. If you are listening to this podcast and find value and insights from what is shared here, know that this is made available from your generosity and the generosity of others like you. I want to thank those…
Read MoreEpisode 126 :: Cynthia Price :: Mindfulness for Substance Use Disorder
Cynthia Price Dr. Cynthia Price joins us to speak about the study Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT) for women in substance use disorder treatment. If you are listening to this podcast and find value and insights from what is shared here, know that this is made available from your generosity and the generosity of…
Read MoreEpisode 125 :: Cynthia Osterman :: The Benji Project
Cynthia Osterman Cynthia Osterman joins us to speak about mindful self compassion for teens in the state of Washington with The Benji Project. Growing up in contemporary society is incredibly difficult, so much harder than it was for people of my age when we were teens. Sure, it was difficult then, and depression and anxiety…
Read MoreEpisode 124 :: Cynthia Garner :: Mindfulness Ambassadors International
Cynthia Garner Cynthia Garner joins us to speak about the new organization, Mindfulness Ambassadors International. For those who have been interested in deepening their mindfulness practice in a secular setting, the choices have been fairly slim: either pursue teaching, or attend the occasional retreat. But more and more options are becoming available for those interested…
Read MoreEpisode 123 :: Lorraine M. Hobbs :: Mindfulness for Teens and Young Adults
Lorraine M. Hobbs Lorraine M. Hobbs joins us to speak about her experiences teaching mindfulness to teens and young adults. Something new teachers of mindfulness encounter is that it’s one of the most rewarding activities they can do, and it’s also not as easy as it may seem. In addition to having a personal practice…
Read MoreEpisode 122 :: Tracy Heilers :: Coalition of Schools Educating Mindfully
Tracy Heilers Tracy Heilers joins us to speak about the Coalition of Schools Educating Mindfully. Most of those I know who have a regular meditation practice were not fortunate enough to have been introduced to the practice at an early age, and even less likely to have had such an introduction in a school system.…
Read MoreEpisode 121 :: Deborah Salazar Shapiro :: The Magical Mindful Day
Deborah Salazar Shapiro Deborah Salazar Shapiro joins us to speak about her 2018 Parent and Teacher Choice Award winning children’s book, The Magical Mindful Day. One of the most encouraging aspects of the mindfulness movement to me is the increasing availability of children’s books, introducing this way of meeting the world with kind awareness. Concepts…
Read MoreEpisode 120 :: Rob Beemer :: The Mindfulness Movement Documentary Film
Rob Beemer Film maker Rob Beemer joins us to speak about film The Mindfulness Movement. One of the interesting things about social movements is how they grow. Not just the historical conditions that lead to them getting started, but the people involved and the impact the movement has. Contemporary secular mindfulness is experiencing rapid growth,…
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