Episode 119 :: Dawn Brooks DeCosta :: Emotional Intelligence at Thurgood Marshall Academy Lower School
Dawn Brooks DeCosta Principal Dawn Brooks DeCosta speaks with us about her implementation of Yale’s Emotional Intelligence RULER program at Thurgood Marshall Academy Lower School. Did you have a teacher that made a positive difference in your life? Was it through their cold recitation of facts and figures, their skill with mathematical proofs, or was…
Read MoreEpisode 118 :: Robert Plotkin :: Technology for Mindfulness
Robert Plotkin Robert Plotkin joins us to speak about Technology for Mindfulness. This past week I’ve seen not less than three popular media articles about how being online or using apps is counter to mindfulness, that by being online you are unavoidably living in a state of distraction and mindlessness. This is different from my…
Read MoreEpisode 117 :: Sharon Hadley and Romek Goj :: EventsList.org
Sharon Hadley One of the challenges facing new mindfulness teachers, and even those who have been teaching for quite some time, is getting our courses shared with those who would like to take them. Our competence and skills in teaching may not be helpful when it comes to setting up a web presence or knowing…
Read MoreEpisode 116 :: Chris Noone :: Sham Mindfulness and Critical Thinking
Chris Noone Researcher Chris Noone joins us to speak about his latest paper studying the effects of mindfulness on critical thinking, and to talk about the need for active controls in mindfulness research. As many of you long time listeners know, I’m a big fan of good science and critical thinking, as well as mindfulness…
Read MoreEpisode 115 :: Inmaculada Adarves-Yorno :: Mindfulness and the African Prisons Project
Inmaculada Adarves-Yorno Inma Adarves-Yorno joins us to speak about Mindfulness and the African Prisons Project. Mindfulness is still relatively new to prison systems, with many hurdles to overcome in delivering the practice to those living in conditions of extraordinary suffering. Our guest today shares her experiences in bringing contemplative practice to inmates, and how they…
Read MoreEpisode 114 :: Adam Lueke :: Mindfulness and Implicit Bias Reduction
Adam Lueke Researcher Adam Lueke joins us to share his findings on how mindfulness can reduce implicit bias from his paper, Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Implicit Age and Race Bias: The Role of Reduced Automaticity of Responding. Much of formal meditation practice as it’s done in secular mindfulness involves noticing, and receiving whatever is present in…
Read MoreEpisode 113 :: Rebecca Williams and Julie Kraft :: Recovery and Mindfulness
Rebecca Williams and Julie Kraft Rebecca Williams and Julie Kraft return to the podcast to speak about their new book The Gift of Recovery: 52 Mindful Ways to Live Joyfully Beyond Addiction. Take a moment and think of a small craving you have, maybe for a particular kind of chocolate, or a must see tv…
Read MoreEpisode 112 :: Lori A. Brotto :: Better Sex Through Mindfulness
Lori A. Brotto Lori A. Brotto joins us to speak about Better Sex Through Mindfulness: How Women Can Cultivate Desire. Let’s do a thought experiment together. Imagine that you’re missing your sense of taste, and perhaps smell. Many people do have some challenge with one or more senses, either some reduction or perhaps complete absense…
Read MoreEpisode 111 :: Barbara Larrivee :: A Daily Dose of Mindful Moments
Barbara Larrivee Barbara Larrivee joins us to speak about A Daily Dose of Mindful Moments: Applying the Science of Mindfulness and Happiness. As many of the guests on this podcast have shared, mindfulness doesn’t begin and end on the cushion. That time for dedicated practice isn’t a replacement for what is brought to the rest…
Read MoreEpisode 110 :: Emma Frowine :: Mindful Eating Summit
Emma Frowine Emma Frowine joins us to speak about the upcoming free online Mindful Eating Summit. Many of you have participated in the raisin exercise. For many this is a first taste — forgive my word choice — of mindful eating. With it you engage all of your senses, expansively receiving the perhaps surprising variety…
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