Episode 168 :: Wendy Quan :: Bringing Mindfulness to the Workplace

Wendy Quan Today we speak with teacher Wendy Quan about bringing mindfulness into the workplace. While mindfulness has gone mainstream in our personal lives and is getting some traction with education and healthcare, the business world is still catching up. Despite decades of evidence about how mindfulness can help the bottom line for those leaders…

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Episode 167 :: Cyndi Weekes Bradley :: Mindfulness Frameworks in Education

Cyndi Weekes Bradley Cyndi Weekes Bradley joins us to speak about mindfulness frameworks in education. Mindfulness has been part of academia for some time, starting with Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts in the late 70’s. It’s grown since then, finding its way into the educational environment of K-12 more recently, supported by the…

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Episode 166 :: John Taylor :: Growing Diversity in Mindfulness Communities

John Taylor Today we speak with John Taylor about his life and work changing the conversation about diversity in mindfulness communities and teaching institutions. As mindfulness continues to become more and more integrated into contemporary society, it faces a growing awareness of the relationship between non-duality and the realities faced in everyday life. Can we…

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Episode 165 :: Jamie Bristow :: Mindfulness: Developing Agency in Urgent Times

Jamie Bristow Jamie Bristow joins us to speak about The Mindfulness Initiative, and their publication Mindfulness: Developing Agency in Urgent Times. Hi, everyone. Thanks for joining me, and I wanted to take a moment to thank you for being here. It’s been several months since the last episode as I needed time to both recover…

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Episode 164 :: Zindel V. Segal :: Online Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Zindel V. Segal Zindel Segal joins us to speak about Online Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. You might have noticed that things have changed significantly in the world, whether that’s taken globally or for your personal world. The pandemic has called into sharp contrast the competing needs of health versus economic concerns, and social distancing has forced…

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Episode 163 :: Frits Koster :: Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living

Frits Koster Frits Koster joins us to speak about Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living. Compassion as the practice of intentional care for those in distress, is a very wide and deep topic. Whether that takes the form of self-care or care of others, there are ways in which mindfulness can inform and grow compassion to be an…

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Episode 162 :: Ronald Epstein :: Attending: Medicine, Mindfulness, and Humanity

Ronald Epstein Ronald Epstein joins us to speak about Attending: Medicine, Mindfulness, and Humanity. When I was little, the medical profession seemed very removed from human experience. It was clinical and antiseptic not just medically, but personally. It seems there is a shift to acknowledging and even working with the mental and emotional side of…

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Episode 161 :: Sam Himelstein :: Trauma-Informed Mindfulness With Teens

Sam Himelstein Sam Himelstein joins us to speak about Trauma-Informed Mindfulness With Teens: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals. Working with younger participants of mindfulness programs or treatments presents some unique challenges, requiring unique skills and experience. There is an additional layer of complexity when those teens also have a history of trauma. Our guest…

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Episode 160 :: David Treleaven :: A Course on Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness

David Treleaven David Treleaven returns to the podcast to speak about his recent course on Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness. Mindfulness teachers are becoming increasingly aware of the need to be informed about how the symptoms of trauma can show up in the participants of our programs, what to look for, and how to best support students. But…

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