Episode 139 :: Gus Castellanos :: Addiction, Sobriety, Mindfulness, and Prison
Gus Castellanos Gus Castellanos speaks with us today about Addiction, Sobriety, Mindfulness, and Prison. The road to mindful practice is rarely a straight and level path. Usually there are twists and turns, unexpected roadblocks, places and times where there is a need to take a few steps back to start again. What is learned from…
Read MoreEpisode 138 :: Rick Hanson :: Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness
Rick Hanson Rick Hanson joins us to speak about his new book Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness. When I hear the word resilient, I used to think of it as pushing against, being resistant to something else. Over time, though, this has proven to be too narrow an…
Read MoreEpisode 137 :: Zev Schuman-Olivier :: Mindfulness Training for Primary Care
Zev Schuman-Olivier Zev Schuman-Olivier joins us to speak about Mindfulness Training for Primary Care. Mindfulness can be helpful in the reduction of anxiety and depression, as well as other chronic problems where self-management plays an important role. New models that include referrals from primary care providers can greatly enhance a person’s accessibility to beneficial mindfulness…
Read MoreEpisode 136 :: Lama Tsomo :: Meditating with Others
Lama Tsomo Lama Tsomo joins us to speak about the importance of practice in the company of others. Meditation practice can be easy, and it can be difficult. Sometimes just getting to the cushion or chair is hard enough in the busyness of the day. But even for those of us who might prefer solitude,…
Read MoreEpisode 135 :: Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo :: Mindfulness and Caregivers of Veterans
Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo Dr. Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo joins us to speak about her study on mindfulness helping caregivers of veterans. We’ve done several episodes on this podcast about mindfulness for military personnel, pre and post deployment, to help them with resulting problems like PTSD, or the prevention of it. Those challenges are sometimes faced by others as…
Read MoreEpisode 134 :: Marc Lesser :: Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader
Marc Lesser Marc Lesser joins us to speak about Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader: Lesson from Google and a Zen Monastery Kitchen. Critics of mindfulness in the business world have a host of objections to contemplative practice being used to “pacify workers” to untenable working conditions. This is quite strikingly in contrast to the…
Read MoreEpisode 133 :: Liz Rutledge :: Sustainable Three
Liz Rutledge Liz Rutledge joins us to speak about mindfulness with nature and Sustainable Three. If you are listening to this podcast and find value and insights from what is shared here, know that this is made available from your generosity and the generosity of others like you. I want to thank those of you…
Read MoreEpisode 132 :: Jylani Ma’at Brown :: Teens of Color Mindfulness Retreat
Jylani Ma’at Brown Jylani Ma’at Brown joins us to speak about teaching people of color, and a younger generation of meditators. If you are listening to this podcast and find value and insights from what is shared here, know that this is made available from your generosity and the generosity of others like you. I…
Read MoreEpisode 131 :: Yancy Lael :: Mindfully Meeting Owls
Yancy Lael Yancy Lael joins us to speak about the mindful way to observe owls. Outside in the woods, I feel most strongly a connection with the environment. Whether sitting or walking, the experience of being outdoors in nature dismantles the illusion of separation, and for a time, I belong. My dad taught me and…
Read MoreEpisode 130 :: Gisèle Bourgoin :: Mindfulness in Middle School
Gisèle Bourgoin Gisèle Bourgoin joins us to speak about how mindfulness is helping middle school students. Remember being a kid, around seventh and eighth grade? What was that time like for you? It may have been carefree and filled with joy, or maybe it was challenging, or perhaps even difficult and sometimes overwhelming with all…
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