Mindfulness Voyage 015 — Return to Mindfulness

Shalini Bahl joins us to speak about her book, and the underlying process of bringing mindfulness into everyday life. Shalini’s Website — https://knowyourmind.training/ Mindfulness Voyage is available on: Spotify Apple Podcasts YouTube iHeart Radio Pocket Casts Goodpods Podcast Republic

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Mindfulness Voyage 014 — Parenting During Collapse

Parenting can be difficult in the best of conditions, let alone when crisis situations appear. Mindfulness can help parents, kids, and the ongoing support of those relationships during times of collapse. Daniel’s Website — https://danielrechtschaffen.com/ Mindful Education — https://mindfuleducation.com/ Mindfulness Voyage is available on: Spotify Apple Podcasts YouTube iHeart Radio Pocket Casts Goodpods Podcast Republic

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Mindfulness Voyage 013 — Mindfulness and Public Service Employee Mental Health

Zikhona Dlaza joins us to speak about her award winning research about public service employee mental health, influenced by mindfulness. Zikhona Dlaza — https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zikhona-Dlaza “Beauty for Ashes”: The Role of Mindfulness in Assisting Public Service Employees Undergoing Life and Career Challenges — https://www.ufh.ac.za/sites/default/files/Beauty%20for%20Ashes.pdf News Article — https://www.ufh.ac.za/news/News40 Mindfulness Voyage is available on: Spotify Apple Podcasts…

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Mindfulness Voyage 011 — Exercise and Mindfulness

Masha Remskar returns to speak with us about some common aspects of physical exercise with the mental exercise of mindfulness. Research Study — https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S175529662300073X?via%3Dihub Masha Remskar — https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/persons/masa-remskar Medito Foundation — https://meditofoundation.org/ Mindfulness Voyage is available on: Spotify Apple Podcasts YouTube iHeart Radio Pocket Casts Goodpods Podcast Republic

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Mindfulness Voyage 010 — Mindfulness and Burnout in Healthcare

Mick Krasner is one of the foremost experts of mindfulness within the field of healthcare, basing his work on what research shows about mindfulness and burnout. He joins us today to reflect on what he’s noticed about what helps, and trends in the field. Mick’s website — www.mickkrasnermd.com Mick’s Podcast — https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/flourishing-in-medicine-from-surviving-to-thriving/id1725377569 Mindful Practice in…

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Mindfulness Voyage 008 — Your Heart Was Made For This

Mindfulness speaks to each of us in different ways. What we’re listening for in one moment might be different the next, and what our personal radar dishes pick up can be different from anyone else. But, that can be a bit confusing about where to start, and what might be helpful. Our guest today might…

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Mindfulness Voyage 007 — Meta Analysis in Mindfulness

Julieta Galante speaks with us about a recent study about what characteristics may influence mindfulness efficacy, and the overall impact of mindfulness programs for participants. Julieta Galante Systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials assessing mindfulness-based programs for mental health promotion

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